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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

vacation day 1
2001-11-26 - 4:43 am

vacation day 1.

i consider today the first real day of my vacation even though i had thursday and friday off. i woke up today at like 6:30, which was predictable. i never sleep in on work days. i hate my alarm and wake up a good half hour to five minutes before it goes off every day. nothing makes me grumpier than hearing that thing blare me awake.

i lounged around in bed until like 9 and finally decided to do something and here's what i did:

i set up some appointments for things i need to get done (go me!).

i went food shopping. i was disappointed to see that lots of annoying people shop for food at 10:30 on a monday. i decided to bake myself a peacon pie since there wasn't one for thanksgiving. that's about the only thing i ask to have, which everyone knows i love...but no one made one. that's ok. i bought an oreo cookie curst for mine!

i mailed some bills (booo!).

i didn't quite make it to a mac machine to deposit a bonus check i have (booo!).

i did manage to spend that bonus check to partially cover a new monitor. that's right boys and girls, i'm gazing upon some 17" (16" viewable) bran spankin new anti-glare monitor. i realized a while ago that everything i looked on here was dark. i was always trying to lighten up pictures and i had all the settings max'd out. it dawned on me that my monitor was from 1994 and probably near the end of it's life. so...i got a new one. it's xmass gift to myself. the big bonus of buying myself a gift now is that i won't remember that it was my xmass gift so i'll get myself something else.

i didn't realize my last monitor was so little. i thouight it was the same size as this one...but this one is _big_. i didn't need one this big. i shoulda got a smaller one for less and not spent so much...but hey, it's my gift to me!

i also bought a nifty little splitter fella. see my monitor has two speakers and my pc came with two speakers...so what to do with four speakers and only output for two? why you look high and low for mini-stereo y cord and then enjoy sound from all four!

oh, here's a big surprise. i went to the gym for like 40 mintues. the first time in months. i dunno what it is. i know i need to work out, but i just don't like going to gym. i think i'm going to take a huge step tomorrow and buy a swimsuit and swim tomorrow. i havn't been in a pool for years, which is odd because i grew up swimming. my 'rents started me competitive swimming at like 4 years old and i swam year round until i was 18. i wonder if i'll recall how...

all in all..i'd say i had pretty good first day of vacation.

(this way) / (that way)

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my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

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