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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

2001-01-24 - 23:18:24

I called the local University today. I have an appointment next Wedsenday to stop in about the MBA program. The next one starts in May, thats only five months. It was kinda funny, I didn't expect her to ask me alot of questions. I just wanted to set up an appointment, but she was asking me about my GPA, years outta school, GMAT scores and things. I was sitting at my desk trying to think of how I could politely tell her that I can't talk about those things right now, I'm at work. People on floor can hear, if they listen, to everything you say. I couldn't decide which was worse, saying my GPA/GMAT scores or explaining I couldn't talk right now. I decided that saying the scores is actaully a pretty 'harmless' thing to say, afterall if I say 'I think it was 3.24', what does that mean? It only has meaning if you know who I'm talking to and what we are talking about. It was bad enough I had to say MBA a coupla times. I don't think anyone took any notice, but who knows. So be it if they did. What's the big deal if someone did? Well, I work in sales. There's not much interest in having an MBA and being on a sales floor. You need to be able to sell, not have letters after your name. Well, unless your RCDD certified, then those letters kick ass in my world. Basically, my calling about an MBA is pretty darn clear that I'm looking to leave. I dunno if I will do it, but I don't want people to know until I've decided for sure myself.

I'm a bit undecided on what I my 'focus' would be. There's three I'm considering. MIS, Health Care, and Finance. Wtf am I talkin about huh? MIS is the clearest choice for me. I work in a technology industry, but I know nothing of networking, operating systems and that side of things. I know the physical network all that runs on. Still, it would be the 'best fit'. Health Care is something I've always been interested in. My orginal major was pharmacy, and actaull, I wish I had stuck to that. Being the administrator of a hopital appeals to me. I want a career where I feel like I actaully do SOMETHING of value. Running a hospital/health care operation seems to fit that bill. So why Finance? Well, another "dream" I had when I was younger was to be a stockbroker. I don't think I'd like that, playing with other peoples money, that'd be one heck of a pressure cooker to me. So finance is close. Working with money, crunching numbers, being the odd 'numbers' guy is, well, oddly appealing to me. To be the guy quiet guy who can spit out numbers and be far to nervous while giving presentations kinda fit me. To be left alone with cold numbers and making them dance around. Well, enough about that. Perhaps I do need shock treatment. Health Care and MIS are the two I'm really intersted in.

On another subject, I have proved yet again that I am incapable of expressing myself clearly to others. Time and time again I say things and do things that people misunderstand. At the time I'm saying them, I don't see the meaning they give them. I'm almost always mystified that they took what I said/did how they did. Well, this doesn't happen ALL the time, but in matters of my private life it does. I ask this or that, which I think is an innocent and 'fair' thing to ask. It's given far more meaning and importance than I mean it to and things snowball from there. I know my mind processes things in it's own way. To quote my mom, "Some people march to a different drummer, I think you hear bagpipes." I like my mom, she can put things oh so clearly sometimes. I don't know what to do about this. I don't think there's really anything I can do, but stop talking to people. Well, stop talking to people about such topics. That idea doesn't exactly appeal to me, but which is worse? I dunno.

Life goes on and things sort themselves out I guess. Well, they don't always sort out to my liking, but then I can't control that.

One of our vendors came into day, just to say hi. He actaully worked for my company in my office when i started here last December, but left to work for a vendor in Feb. He walked in and looked at me and patted his belly. That made me feel good. I've lost some weight I guess. I joined that new health club, but I havnt gone yet. Mebbe just signing the paper was enough for me to lose some weight or he was just being nice. I don't think I've lost any. Which is odd cause I don't eat much. Perhaps that balances out my not being a very active person.

I got a new idea for a story that I'm hashing out. I'm not exactly sure what It's going to be about, the end I mean, but well that's nothing new for my ideas.

(this way) / (that way)

A place like Alaska - April 07, 2012
Dowton Abbey - February 01, 2011
Dowton Abbey - January 31, 2011
Something of an update - January 16, 2011
What to do... - January 01, 2011

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cogito ergo doleo
my current wishlist item, yes i am waiting for godot.

we live in the land of the free, but are we brave enough to keep it that way?
you have a choice

my addiction: pokerstars