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"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." -- unknown

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein

To grill or not to grill?
April 06, 2008 - 7:00 pm

I felt oddly positive this past weekend. I think it's the mix of warm weather, losing a bit of weight, a great slowing in my work -- not quite the end of the busy season, but a quieter part, and having won one large case. I'm very much looking forward to the announcement I'm told will be tomorrow or Tuesday.

Of course, there's also been a much slower, general change in my attitude towards some things.

At least, that's the theory.

One thing I'm very much looking forward to is sitting on my balcony... a harness on Loca... and simply sitting. Perhaps a beer.. perhaps cooking something on the grill... but really just watching Loca on the railing as she mentally wills a bird or squirrel to come within striking distance.

On the cooking note, I've been searching high and low for a nice natural gas grill. Now, to be fair, a nice one is easy to find, but nice, in my terms, also means reasonably priced.

It also seems that natural gas isn't all that common. All the grills are really made for propane and one must buy (i.e. special order) the natural guas one or get some sort of a conversion kit. In al honesty, I thought it would be basically interchangeable. Both are gas.. and both burn... what could be tricky about this?

I still don't know what the issue is, but it's clear... natural gas is special and usually a good $50-ish more.

I'm slowly, but surely talking myself into one of the grills. Yes, the price is nearly triple what I'd originally budgeted... but it is a nice grill and certainly not anything high-end. Nice ratings on all the sites and reviewed well... and it's got storage and all that crap.

Will I get it? I don't know.. my current grill certainly works. I'd just like to get a natural gas one since it comes with the condo. The grill I have is small (not that I need more cooking space)... and since I got it free, I like the idea of passing it on to someone else free.

One sort of odd issue with getting a grill... is the size of the box and getting it upstairs. This would require some planning and, ideally, another set of hands.

It brings to mind a scene I saw at Lowes... a lady purchased some sort of bathroom cabinet and wanted to take it home. However.. she drive a Chevy Monte Carlo - a two door car. Getting said cabinet into said car through the passenger door... into the backseat like she wanted, simply wasn't going to happen.

The Lowes associate who was tyring to help load it was attempting to explain this, but the lady just shook her head and if we push, it will fit. I assure you.. there was no way in hell this was going in. I don't know what they ended up doing, but I wasn't the only one to squint at this scene... size up the sizes and shake my head.

I can see a similair situation with the grill. In fact, now that I think about it, I should go back and measure the box of propane grill and see just how much trouble it would be. Shipping weight is 122lbs. Not unduly immovable... but the size/shape of the box make it unwieldy.

There's one site which will deliver for $50, but I've a feeling that delivery guy would just leave it outside the door... and not lug it up the stairs. However, that would work for me. I can easily slide it around once inside. Even up the stairs won't be difficult. No lifting needed at all.

Can you tell that I'm thinking through all this as I type?

This is the oft repeated process of me getting myself to buy something I probably shouldn't buy...

(this way) / (that way)

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